Is Asia the next chapter in your story?
Asia Next series
If Asia could be your next move, Asia Next can help make that move a sucess. Here we share nearly 20 years of experience and insights from the Fast-Track APAC community, designed to support your journey East.
Asia is teched up, mobile first, hungry for innovation, and transforming rapidly. No ambitious Western scaleup can afford to ignore what APAC offers. It promises much, but demands much too. Successful expansion depends on where you are on your journey as an enterprise, and where your mind is as an entrepreneur. Discover the milestones and mindset essential to making this a success by downloading the FastTrack guide to Asia Readiness.
It is no secret that Japan has a unique business culture, which can mystify and even deter those thinking of expanding from the West. And yet it promises massive opportunities for those who are prepared to respect these differences, and adapt to the culture. Our Spotlight on Japan offers advice and insights from some seasoned experts on how a Western scaleup can navigate these challenges and seize the opportunities of this uniquely rewarding land.
Having decided your Go to Market for entering Asia, getting the right financial operations in place is one of the critical considerations in making this move a sustainable success for any scaleup. This FastTrack guide provides a checklist of the essentials and what to consider, based on our seasoned experience supporting sales growth in the diverse markets of the Asia Pacific region.
From the agility and entrepreneurialism demanded in the early phase, to the repeatable and scalable operations involved in market maturity, the success of your Asian growth journey depends on how you build and support your teams on the ground. With insights on building and adapting culture and values, down to the systems, tools, and processes foundational to operations, this FastTrack guide offers insights from our experience growing sales by growing people in Asia Pacific.
A scaleup entering a new market is a startup again, and needs to arrive with a clear sense of who it is, what it offers and why anyone should care. Having a distinctive brand story and identity helps make this journey Eastwards a success. Without this clarity and conviction you risk being just another product on the shelf. This FastTrack guide shares insights from our experience building brands and accelerating sales on getting market entry right through brand-building and storytelling.
MOBKOI achieves 10% of global revenues in Asia in the first year thanks to Fast Track
MOBKOI achieves 10% of global revenues in Asia in the first year thanks to Fast Track One year after launching in the APAC region, MOBKOI Asia represents 10% of the company’s sales and employs more than 15 people. In 2019, the scale-up opened 4 offices: Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney. · Fast-Track has accelerated […]
Asia, the next opportunity for the French Next40 scaleups
Dès qu’un·e entrepreneur·e français·e envisage d’étendre son activité vers de nouveaux horizons, son regard se porte presque automatiquement vers l’Ouest. Débouchés, financement, culture… tout est réuni, en effet, pour faire de l’Amérique la destination privilégiée d’une expansion extra-européenne. Mais ce tropisme atlantique est trop souvent exclusif et les plus belles startups françaises ont tendance à […]
L’Asie, Eldorado À Apprivoiser Pour La Tech Française
Depuis 14 ans, Fast-Track s’est positionné comme un accélérateur de business des sociétés tech françaises en Asie. Ses fondateurs, Ivan Bernard-Brunel et Alexandre Olmedo, expliquent en quoi la Chine est un “eldorado” pas si simple à pénétrer pour la FrenchTech.
Entreprises françaises en Asie-Pacifique : les recettes du succès
Problématique essentielle des entreprises françaises, l’implantation à l’étranger est un défi difficile à relever. Fast-Track, à mi-chemin entre une structure d’investissement et un incubateur, aide les sociétés à pénétrer le marché Asie-Pacifique. Rencontre avec Ivan Bernard-Brunel et Alexandre Omedo, les fondateurs de la structure.
Botify et OpenClassrooms iront en Asie avec Denstu et Fast-Track
Les deux start-up ont remporté le roadshow organisé par le leader japonais de la publicité. Denstu leur donnera une légitimité sur un marché important mais encore fermé.
« Au Japon, il faut vraiment adapter son produit aux différences culturelles »
Responsable de l’innovation au sein du groupe japonais Denstu, Keigo Aoki pense que les start-up françaises ont un rôle à jouer dans la transformation numérique du pays. Il a coorganisé un roadshow avec Fast-Track, et sélectionné deux jeunes pousses, OpenClassrooms et Botify, à qui il offrira un accès privilégié au marché japonais.